Cracked heels, acne, dark armpits, dandruff…almost every girl faced at least one of these annoying problems. No need to tell how difficult is to solve these problems. Still, we are here to help you and share cheap recipes that will help you to look awesome.
Here are beauty lifehacks you should learn by heart:
-Garlic is a perfect tool to combat acne as it contains vitamins and minerals to cure acne really fast
-Crack and dry heels cause discomfort especially if you wear heels every day. That’s why you should take care of your feet to prevent the problems. Don’t forget to exfoliate your feet and use moisturizing cream daily. Try our cheap recipe to exfoliate feet: mix aspirin, citric acid, and water together. Put the mix into a plastic bag and put feet inside and leave for 15 minutes. After 5-7 days the skin will exfoliate
-Try facial mask to get rid of blackheads: mix activated charcoal, gelatin, and hot water
-Dark armpits are embarrassing, especially in summer during tank top and swimsuit season. Find out our natural remedy for lightening pigmented skin! You will need sea salt, baking soda, water, white vinegar
-Even if you have beautiful long hair dandruff could spoil everything. No need to buy expensive shampoos – make a mask from natural ingredients. You will need onion juice, coconut oil, and burdock oil
-Use a makeup technique called “contouring” to create the illusion of a well-toned abdomen
-There is a helpful mask to stimulate hair growth: cut the aloe vera, boil for 5 minutes with coconut oil and pour to the sprayer, add onion juice
Watch our video till the end to find for helpful ideas! And don’t forget to share them with friends!
00:35 Aspirin for dry heels
01:13 Forget about clogged pores
03:02 Hair loss mask
05:02 Use tweezers to contour your nose
08:52 Cheap way to whiten your teeth
11:47 Aloe vera against stretched marks
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