Do you use essential oils often?
These oils provide us with numerous health benefits and can soothe or alleviate symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, asthma, colds, and promote a general sense of well being.
Some of them can even be used as a natural repellent or disinfectant.
In today’s video we’re going to talk about an oil that has many uses:
Tea Tree Oil.
It is an oil with a very unique odor that is widely used as an antiseptic, since it’s great at fighting bacteria, viruses and fungi.
Due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and healing properties, it is extremely suitable for:
Treating dandruff
Repelling insects
Oral health
Treating nail fungi
Improving acne
Helping with intimate care
Cleaning the house
For aromatherapy
Did you already know of the benefits of tea tree oil?
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