Home Health Daily and Weekly Calorie Deficit Goal Planning For Weight Loss

Daily and Weekly Calorie Deficit Goal Planning For Weight Loss

Daily and Weekly Calorie Deficit Goal Planning For Weight Loss

This video shows Dr. Evan Matthews explaining a basic example of how to plan weight loss. This video highlights how to determine the length of time needed to lose a given amount of fat mass, how many calories must be cut to lose the weight per day and per week, and how to combine dietary calorie cutting and increased exercise and physical activity to achieve weight loss.

Basal and Total Metabolic Rate – Harris Benedict Equations

Basal and Total Metabolic Rate – Mifflin St. Jeor Equations Example

Calories Burned from MET Exercise Intensity Example Calculations

What is a MET – Metabolic Equivalent of Task for Exercise Prescription Overview Video

Relative to Absolute VO2 and Calorie Calculations

Exercise and Fitness Calculations Playlist

The Compendium of Physical Activities Website (free). A great website for looking up the MET level of various activities.
Then click “Activity Categories”

Link to Dr. Evan Matthews website.