This is a guide to daily journaling and a tour of my Notion journal template: the best digital journal solution I’ve found to actually write regularly. Using journaling prompts inspired by the Stoics, this Notion set-up helps you find mental clarity through daily reflection. GET THE TEMPLATE: https://www.bettercreating.com/downloads
Journaling is proven to improve your productivity, creativity and happiness… so THIS is a game-changer!
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My website for more resources to improve your creative life – https://www.bettercreating.com
1. My Notion Setup Tour 2022: A Complete Notion Template To Manage Your Life: Part 1: https://youtu.be/Ca1tkhhynM4
2. Track Your Routines & Build Effective Habits | My Notion Habit Tracker: https://youtu.be/sJ8-qtPzeew
3. Are You Planning Your Week the Right Way? | Paper Vs Notion Weekly Planner: https://youtu.be/HO4kbvzP_UM
4. Simple Productivity Toolkit: My Everyday Productivity Essentials: https://youtu.be/K32xtbzWSOI
00:00 My Daily Stoic Journaling Template In Notion
00:37 Daily Journaling: Video Guide
01:25 Download My Notion Template
01:46 1. The Benefits of Journaling
03:03 2. Stoic Journaling for Mental Clarity
03:54 3. How To Keep A Daily Journal + Notion Hacks
06:57 4. Notion Template Features Tour
08:45 5. My Best Journal Prompts Templates
12:00 6. Life-changing Journal Prompts… and Tim Ferris!
Don’t Break The Chain: https://blog.doist.com/dont-break-the-chain/
The Art of Journaling: https://dailystoic.com/journaling/
Tim Ferris: Testing The Impossible: https://tim.blog/2016/12/07/testing-the-impossible-17-questions-that-changed-my-life/
A list of the kit I use to make this channel all in one place:
My name is Simon, and I’m finding ways to simplify productivity & creative life.
Exploring productivity, simple living and creative life, the Better Creating YouTube Channel is my project to build a toolkit to help creative people (including me) create more meaningful work, create better content, and live more intentional stress-free lives in the process. Other than doing this, I work as a freelance creative in theatre and film, creating productions.
#Journaling #Notion #BetterCreating