Dance Moms Abby Lee Miller Reveals Struggle With Health
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Alexis Butcher
Abby lee Miller reveals her struggle with health and the scars from her surgery.
Dance moms Abby Lee Miller posted a photo this morning on Instagram of her scar from the emergency surgery she went through one year ago today. Her post was captioned “one year ago today, I underwent emergency surgery for an infection in my spine..”
It turns out that she had Burkitt Lymphoma, she even had to go through ten rounds of chemotherapy and three chemo injections into her spine! She even has one more spinal surgery to go. Part of her caption though was a call to action because twice she went to the emergency room with her symptoms and no one listened to her.
One doctor even took her off all her medication cold turkey, and another one told her to go home and rest for a few days!!! The end of her caption reads “STOP practicing- please.”
Right before Abby Lee’s surgery she had been living in a halfway house, and in a correctional facility for felony bankruptcy fraud. So she’s been out of the dance moms game for quite a while. On the newest trailer of dance moms she said “I need to get back to teaching and I need to get back to screaming at children. I need to get back to my roots. I’m going to take these kids right back to the turf.”
It seems like Abby has had a rough two years, but that won’t stop her. She’s tough. And she’s ready to get right back out there!