HERE’S INFO ON THEM: (Every person has a different experience with these illnesses. Symptoms/level of function varies person to person.)
POTS http://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/page.php?ID=30
EDS https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-eds/
CCI http://www.thepainrelieffoundation.com/craniocervical-instability/
MCAS https://www.healthline.com/health/mast-cell-activation-syndrome
Hey loves! It’s been awhile since we have truly connected, and updated one another on life. I want to hear how you’ve been doing!
I’ve always said how I think its so important as a creator, to be real/honest with parts of your life, such as a struggle or two. Not with them all of course….privacy is an important thing as well, lol! We ALL struggle!! My struggle may look different from the person’s next me, but we all have them at some point in our life. Why pretend we don’t? Why shame ourselves into isolation and this guilt for “not having it together like _____”?!?
I never want someone to think I have it all together with no sort of struggle, then start attacking their lack of “having it together” + struggles.
Feeling all alone, like no one gets, is such a yucky feeling…one I never want you to feel in our safe space. You fit in right here, and I’m so happy you are here with me, always! I have pushed this video off for months now….
The internet is full of nasty trolls who know the right trigger points to hit..lol! To be honest…sometimes I’m too drained to deal with them, so avoiding the subject of health for me is just easier. But I’m done with that, and if this subject is too much for you, I won’t apologize for it. Simply find another video to watch. I love you all and hope this makes you feel not so alone…even if it’s for just a moment.💕💕
http://www.Patreon.com/asmrmads (5 EXTRA ASMR VIDEOS A MONTH FOR $3!!!).
📷☁️INSTAGRAM- madasmr1
👻SNAPCHAT- asmrmads
📩EMAIL- asmrmads@gmail.com
💄lip- Charlotte Tilbury Lipstick “kim kw”