Thanks for the video: Jeff Ortiz (@jeff_fitness), Ashley Nocera (@ashleynocera), Bahij Kaddoura (@bahijkaddoura), Ulisses Jr (@ulissesworld), Blessing Awodibu (@blessing_awodibu) Sul (@justsul), Tom Finn (@huckfinnbarbell), Jon Call (@jujimufu), Davy Michael (@thetitan_muscle), Ashleigh Jordan (@ashleigh_jordan)!
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Ashley Nocera YouTuber | Italian | New York Based WBFF PRO Bikini Model 1UP Athlete Snapchat/Twitter: ashleynocera ashleynocera1@gmail.com
Bahij Kaddoura WBFF Muscle Model Pro. 👦🏼 🇱🇧/ 🇵🇸 📍 Dubai 👻 Snapchat- bahijk 📧 bahijkaddoura@gmail.com .
Sofie Dossi America’s Got Talent Golden Buzzer & Finalist The Ellen Show 💘Self-taught Contortionist/HandBalancer/Aerialist . . Snapchat: sofiedossi
Blessing Awodibu – Most of you probably haven’t heard of Blessing Awodibu, the amateur bodybuilder from Ireland. While he may not be a professional bodybuilder yet, he’s indeed going for his pro card, all with the intention of one day becoming a bodybuilding champion the likes of Phil Heath. From what we can see, he’s on his way to being a true beast to watch. Take a look at the monster Blessing Awodibu. info@blessingawodibu.com
Sul 👨🏾🏭engineer by day, pimp by night🤵🏾✨ 📬 me@justsul.com
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