Home Health David Bingham – ‘Self Realization and Consciousness Experience’ – interview by Renate McNay

David Bingham – ‘Self Realization and Consciousness Experience’ – interview by Renate McNay

David Bingham – ‘Self Realization and Consciousness Experience’ – interview by Renate McNay

David Bingham – ‘Self Realization and Consciousness Experience’ – interview by Renate McNay

David and Renate explore the relationship between Self Realization and the evolution of consciousness. David has appeared on conscious.tv several times now and has an unusual ability to explain with great clarity the nature of reality.
David is an Artist and had his first experience of the timeless realm when looking at a painting by David Hockney when studying art in Art School. The highest purpose of art is to reveal the Self. He demonstrates how art can lead to Self-Realisation without the need for spiritual beliefs or practices and shows examples of paintings which can activate the experience of silence and stillness in the viewer. He also talks about the acceleration of the Evolution of Consciousness and that Self-Realisation is happening now on a much larger scale. The idea of a dramatic shift is receding and that clear seeing and acceptance of one’s ever present Realisation is all that is required.

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