Home Health Deepen your Self Realization (without discipline) – Bentinho Massaro

Deepen your Self Realization (without discipline) – Bentinho Massaro

Deepen your Self Realization (without discipline) – Bentinho Massaro

Start your free 7-day trial of Bentinho Massaro TV, home to over 800 hours of video recordings of almost all of Bentinho’s retreats and events: https://www.bentinhomassaro.tv

For Trinfinity Academy, Bentinho’s free online enlightenment and empowerment school, visit https://www.trinfinityacademy.com

For Bentinho Massaro’s Free Global Enlightenment Retreat, an 8-session intensive on the mechanics and roadmap to enlightenment, visit https://www.bentinhomassaro.tv/freeretreat

For The Next Level, a series of exclusive and immersive dialogues with highly committed adepts, visit: https://www.civilizationupgraders.com/thenextlevel

For The Shepherding Consciousness Program, a yearlong high-level course on Shepherding, leadership, and enlightened service, visit: https://www.civilizationupgraders.com/shepherdingconsciousness

For info on the Mirror Talks Podcast with Bentinho Massaro, visit https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/podcast

To learn more about Bentinho, subscribe to the newsletter, see upcoming events etc, go to http://tinyurl.com/y4foh4fz or take a look at the complete list of Bentinho’s offerings: https://www.bentinhomassaro.com/offerings

Find Bentinho on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/bentinhomassaro
And Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/bentinhomassaro
Join his Facebook community group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/336863633071053

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