Former Vice President and current horrible human being Dick Cheney was one of the least healthy vice presidents in modern history, and the White House didn’t even try to hide that from the public. But the man who has been working on Dick Cheney’s heart for years says that the current White House is absolutely hiding something about Donald Trump’s health, and Ronny Jackson’s phony report a year ago proves it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
Link – https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-physical-exam-white-house-health-1328852
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Most people may not realize this, but it’s actually been a little bit over a week since Donald Trump had his second yearly White House physical. And unlike after the first physical, we’re doctor Ronnie Jackson came out and told us that Donald Trump was essentially the healthiest human being who’s ever lived. Uh, we didn’t get a press conference this time and it’s likely because it turns out that Ronnie Jackson was a, uh, essentially a fraud basically. Yeah, he is a doctor. He went to medical school, but, uh, he lied through his teeth there to the American public. So after this second physical, we didn’t get a press release how we didn’t even get any test results released from the White House. And there’s one person who actually finds this incredibly suspicious and that person just happens to be Dr Jonathan Reiner, who has been the long time cardiologist for Dick Cheney. And I know a lot of people were curious about the fact, but yes, Dick Cheney actually does have a heart.
Um, and he’s had a lot of heart problems and we’ve known about that since the time he was vice president. They didn’t try to hide that or cover it up. Dick Cheney was constantly having heart problems, but his own cardiologist to guy trained to recognize this kind of stuff and basically look at people and tell from the lifestyle basically how healthy they are is telling us that something is very suspicious about the White House, not releasing the results of Donald Trump’s latest physical and Dr. Jonathan Ryan or believes that the White House is trying to hide information from the public. And to be honest, I completely agree with Dr Reiners assessment here. I think about it after the first physical doctor, Rodney Jackson did come out, he gave this press conference and he said that, you know, yeah, if he just ate a little bit better and exercised a little bit more, he could live to be 150 years old.
Yeah, it was a bit of a joke. But even doctors themselves are willing to admit they can’t predict someone’s future health. So why would Ronnie Jackson say something like that? And in fact the, the little bit of Info we did get out of Donald Trump’s recent physical essentially said the same thing. Like, yeah, just you know, a little bit of Diet, a little bit exercise and this guy is going to be healthy, healthier than most for years and years and years. Doctor Ronnie Jackson actually had told us that Trumps astounding health in spite of the fact that he looks like he does was the result of just good genes. It’s just good genes, everything’s great with him, great jeans. Um, which anybody who can literally see him knows that’s not the case. I don’t know if Doctor Ronnie Jackson is aware of this, but you can actually look at somebody and see what their genes have done to them.
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