The stock market is a battlefield and most companies are not healthy. So how can you determine if a stock is healthy or unhealthy? Majority of companies will lie and say they’re healthy even when they’re fundamentally not. You need to learn to focus on patterns, be adaptive and cut losses quickly.
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The stock market is a battlefield and most companies are not healthy. So how can you determine if a stock is healthy or not?
You have to understand that most of these companies will lie and say they’re healthy when they’re fundamentally not. If you read through their SEC filings they will admit how unhealthy they are.
The good news is if you have the right mindset it doesn’t matter if a company is unhealthy.
Expect the worst and prepare for it. Learn to differentiate the unhealthy and healthy stocks. Learn to ride the volatility and the hype of stocks.
Don’t be invested in earnings .. a company might bomb on earnings, but the CEO might say something positive that spikes the stock.
Don’t play a guessing game. Learn to focus on patterns, be adaptive and cut losses quickly. Learn not to care whether a company’s healthy or unhealthy.
But as soon as the stock is going against you, follow rule number one: cut losses quickly.
90% of traders lose due to lack of preparation. If you learn to think differently, change your mindset you can have an advantage.
Expect the worst from every company. Learn to focus just on price action, patterns and probabilities.
What factors do you look at before trading a stock? Leave a comment and tell me about some of the unhealthy stocks you’ve traded and what you learned!
#TimothySykes #Pennystocks #Investing
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