In this video I recorded a Q&A I did with my Raw Gyms Academy peeps. We go over a ton of questions from dealing with online hate to launching a brand using social media. Enjoy!
■ My App and Online Coaching Service: https://getstarted.lipsettfitness.com/
■ Become a Certified Personal Trainer: https://www.rawacademypt.com
■ Alphalete Clothing: http://alphalete.shop/rob_lipsett
■ Recommended Supplements – http://bit.ly/1EQq6cZ
■ Recommended Supplements (U.S) – http://bit.ly/1JrhCKb
■ Follow Me On Instagram: http://instagram.com/RobLipsett
■ Facebook Page: http://facebook.com/roblipsett1
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RobLipsett @RobLipsett