This is how your sleeping position affects your health. It’s late at night, so you turn off the lights and crawl into bed. Is your sleeping position on your belly, back or side? How you sleep can be linked to many health issues.
#Sleep #BackPain #SleepPositions
8. The Belly: If you sleep on your belly, you’ll tend to toss and turn to get comfortable. This can cause severe neck pain and lower back pain, because it puts strain on those areas of your body, according to Healthline.
7. On Your Back: This position can cause lower back pain. If you have sleep apnea or snore, sleeping on your back can make it worse because your airways are narrower. The solution is to put a pillow under your knees if you are sleeping on your back. Everyday Health states that it will help your spine maintain its curve.
6. Shoulder: According to WebMD, 8% of the world’s population favors this position. This position suggests that you keep close to yourself because you sleep with your arms close to your side.
5. Spooning: If you cuddle up with your partner, you may be prone to waking up often. But cuddling your partner can help the body release oxytocin, which can help lower your stress, according to Fox News. Less stress is good in a relationship.
4. Your Side: If you have issues with snoring, you should sleep on your side. If you snore loudly, you might be suffering from sleep apnea, according to WebMD. This can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.
3. Back Pain: Sleeping on your side can also help reduce back pain, says WebMD. To help, put a pillow between your legs to take pressure off your hips and back.
2. Pregnant Women: Experts recommend that pregnant women sleep on their left side, says the American Pregnancy Association. This will allow more blood and nutrients to flow to the baby.
1. Starfish: If you are experiencing back pain or neck pain, this position helps rest the spine and neck. It also helps reduce acid reflux since the head is elevated and substances cannot enter the esophagus from the stomach, according to WebMD. So if you’re noticing that you are experiencing neck pain when you wake up in the mornings, you may want to try out sleeping in this position.
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