Home Health Is there any heavy duty strategy for mental clarity? (Duality Energy Training, FAQ 229)

Is there any heavy duty strategy for mental clarity? (Duality Energy Training, FAQ 229)

Is there any heavy duty strategy for mental clarity? (Duality Energy Training, FAQ 229)

►This video is a part of Jeffrey Allen’s Duality Energy Training program.
In this video Jeffrey answers one of the frequently asked questions from Part 2 of his Duality Training — Mental & Intuitive Clarity – Thinking with Confidence & Clarity.

Join Jeffrey’s Free Programs:
►Free Energy Starter Kit – Top 7 Tips for Energy Work: https://www.iamjeffreyallen.com/p/energy-starter-kit
►Free 1-hour Energy Masterclass – Embracing Your Energy Body: https://mval.li/?a=4059&c=2373&p=r&s1=yt
►Free 1-hour Awareness Masterclass – The Power of Spiritual Fitness:

Join Jeffrey’s Energy Training Programs:
►Duality – 7 Week Energy Training:
►Unlocking Transcendence – 60 Day Higher Awareness Training: https://mval.li/?a=4059&c=2167&p=r&s1=yt

Connect With Jeffrey Allen
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamjeffreyallen/
►Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jeffreyallen.training/
►Website: https://www.iamjeffreyallen.com/

►Jeffrey Allen is a powerful energy healer, a popular Mindvalley author and speaker, and a pioneer in online energy training.

Jeffrey has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to harness the power of their own energy & awareness – to improve their relationships, deepen their spiritual connection, and increase their personal presence, happiness, and impact in the world.

Jeffrey’s mission is to make energy work & higher awareness available to everyone – so we can each unburden ourselves from needless conflict & pain, and embrace happy, fulfilled lives of true passion, purpose & meaning.

►Learn more from Jeffrey at https://www.iamjeffreyallen.com

Do you have questions about Duality or Unlocking Transcendence training programs?
►Contact Mindvalley Support: https://support.mindvalley.com/