Experience Self Realization Atmasaakshatkara Brahmagyana Moksha (Kundalini Awakening) Sahaja Yoga New Delhi India.
Follow along with HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi giving Self Realization, Kundalini Awakening in New Delhi, India 2003. (Hindi)
Monday 24th March, 2003, Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi, India. Grand Public Program in Her Divine Presence amidst 60-70 thousand seekers in the sports stadium.
Shri Mataji blessed the seekers with Her brief and short speech in Hindi with the words…. “Heart gets filled with complete Joy (Anand). What is to be and not to be said…here, I find most of you are Sahaja Yogis”. With complete humility and compassion She continued ….”You have put your all-hard work and labour in getting the Sahaja yoga uplifted and nourished’ . She reminded the seeker that they should be proud of their great traditions and the rich cultural heritage. They should not only speak to others with pride but also keep their self-esteem high as the spirit of the Nations lies in them. When one comes in Sahaja Yoga their lifestyle changes and it transform to a beautiful life as Spirits resides in them and they only speak of the universal Love. There have been many intellectuals born in Sahaja Yoga and they have realized the truth through this. People from various spheres of life and religions have received the self-realization through Sahaja Yoga. It should never be kept, as personal possession instead, should be shared with others. As much as one shares it grows in its own way. One who receives it must share with others. Just to share itself gives the joy.
Mother also said that people from the rural background who even do not enjoy any great position in the society understand this Sahaja Yoga so well and like to share with others too. Speaking on the propagation and sharing of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji praised people of Delhi. She said She is so happy and pleased to see people of Delhi have taken Sahaja Yoga to such great heights by their sheer hard work and dedication. There is no confusion regarding the fact. They have taken it to people of all spheres of life and Religion.
Speaking on patriotism Mother spoke of the sacrifices in the great freedom struggle in India. She urged people to pay respect to those who brought freedom to our nation and also be proud of the national heritage. People tend to adopt the western culture, but they should not forget their own rich culture and age old traditions are the plinth of this great Nation that it stands so firm today. One should also realize the turmoil that this great Nation has surpassed in the recent past and is currently undergoing. One should not forget the pain that our patriots had undergone to give us freedom by sacrificing their own precious lives. Thus, one must respect the nation and it should also be worshiped. Our good deeds should surface up always and we should always pay enough respect to our country.
Sahaja Yoga does not only mean the greatness but also speaks about the tradition and cultural heritage. Everyone should know about his own nation and also tell others about it with pride. The ultimately, self-respect comes from respecting his own country. Mother said, when you are in Sahaja Yoga your lifestyle should speak for itself and reflect the same in all aspects of living. In fact lifestyle of a Sahaja Yogi is very beautiful as Spirit resides in them and speaks for love. She said Sahaja Yoga is based on realizing the truth and is eternal. (HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi, India 2003)
http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan/view/swan_107_2003.asp (Sahaja Yoga International)
Recollection with photos from the Ramleela Ground, Delhi India – Public Program of Self Realization experience with HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. (2002) http://www.sahajayoga.org/swan%5Cview/swan_27_2002.asp
HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi giving Self Realization – Kundalini Awakening in New Delhi, India 1986. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTgx1JrPUkQ (Hindi & English)
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and open to all:
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http://www.sahajayoga.org.in/CenterAddresses.asp (Sahaja Yoga Meditation Delhi)
“Sahaja” in Sanskrit means spontaneous and also born with,” Yoga” means union with God. The potential to the spiritual awakening and ascent is inborn in every human being. This potential is possible to be actualized through a unique living process of Sahaja Yoga. This unique discovery has been done by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (in 1970).The process of Sahaja Yoga is spontaneous and natural. It is a technique to awaken the Kundalini Shakti which lies in the sleeping state at the base of the spine (sacrum bone) of each human being. The process of awakening this Kundalini (Self Realisation) is a spontaneous and joy giving process, quite contrary to the widespread misinformation about it.
http://www.sahajayoga.org (Sahaja Yoga Meditation International)