Exercise and fitness are important! but in this current world of leftism with an emphasis on no personal accountability, I invented the perfect workout plan for you!
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hugepianist.com for tickets for my tour or my last three specials
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Directed by legendary Aaron Hartling
Follow him on Instagram @artling_hartling
If it wasn’t for my dad’s weiner and my mom’s “ok,” there would be no Owen Benjamin. Piano brought me to stand up comedy. I’ve had two Comedy Central specials. I’m tall but suck at basketball, I’m smart but can’t spell, I’m nice but kind of a dick.
I’ve been in some movies: House Bunny, Staten Island Summer w/ SNL cast, Bucky Larson w/ Nick Swardson, Jack and Jill w/ Adam Sandler.
Also some TV shows: Sullivan and Son – produced by Vince Vaughn, Leno, Fallon, and Bar Rescue.
You may have seen/heard me in podcasts: Joe Rogan, Adam Corolla, Steven Crowder, and the Impractical Jokers podcast.
http://Hugepianist.com for tour dates
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OwenBenjamin
Instagram: https://instagram.com/owenbenjam
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owenbenjamincomedy/