This light language activation is for self-realization, which is the knowledge of the True Self beyond the illusion and identification that comes with being human (ego). It is said that self-realization is one of the pre-requisites to attain enlightenment and liberation from the Earthly plane (moksha, the liberation/freedom from rebirth). This energy will systematically dissolve the fabricated layers of our identity and personality in order to understand our True Self and also the true nature of Reality. Inspiration and divine guidance will unfold for you more and more with this spiral-like energy. Do not fear ‘losing’ your ‘self as you are now’ (as nothing is ever lost) in order to experience deeper/essential connection, and to Know the truth of All That Is. You can use this energy to both transcend and ascend in your personal journey.
For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit https://www.lnlawakening.com/light-language-audio.html