Experiencing brain fog? Not knowing what direction to take in life? Have too many choices and need help deciding? Use this light language recording to get clear, mentally clear that is. You have all the correct answers, but sometimes we get bogged down by the “shoulds” and “could haves” and the “can’ts” in life and the right answer can get lost in the sea of doubt, choices and questions. Remove the answers that are not aligned with your highest path and trust in your divine knowing of Truth for you in this moment.
(yes there is a little static and blips because of the amount of light/energy coming through on this one but the energy download remains intact and you will receive what you need regardless of the little static glitches. Thank you for understanding.)
For more information and to download the MP3 of this audio for free, please visit https://www.lnlawakening.com/light-language-audio.html