Building a strong core should be at the base of your mountain bike fitness training program. Your core is the center of both strength and stability on your ride and it is the connection point between your body’s three contact points with your bicycle. Doing the following workout designed by Dr. Jonathan Bravman for just ten minutes per day will help optimize your strength and help you get ready to hit the trail.
Learn more about UCHealth Orthopedics – Anschutz: https://goo.gl/AcGXzn
Bridging @ 15-20 reps with variations (double leg with chest press, single leg)
Temper Tantrums @ 20 seconds
Prone Breastroke @ 15-20 reps
Planks @ 15-20 reps of these variations: static holds for :30-1:00, high plank spiders, high plank mountain climbers, scapular protraction and retraction and high planks with rows
Side Planks @ 15-20 reps of these variations: static holds for :30-1:00 with hip abduction, the star and thread the needle
Pilates 100 @ 10 reps with five pulses on inhale and five pulses on exhale
Russian Twist @ 10-15 reps
If training on a spin bike, use a theraband to maximize your time
Keep up these exercises to keep you going all season long.
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