READ!!!! – Join me live on New Years Eve when I am going to shutdown my servers. That means that scoobysworkshop.com, custommealplanner.com and sweat4health.com will be gone forever … unless someone will buy everything running on my server for 250k, 100% of which will go to charity.
What is going to charity is everything running on my server. The 1590 pages of content at scoobysworkshop.com that have hundreds of millions of views, the 9 online fitness tools, custommealplanner.com which has made over 6 million meal plans, all the domain names, and all the username/passwords. Here is how it will work. If I can find a buyer to buy all my content and custom fitness tool software for 250k before New Years Eve, I will give 100% to charity. The money will never touch my hands, it will go from the buyer, to an escrow account, then to the charity. The charity will be chosen by the buyer BUT it must be a 501(c)(3) public charity related to health, fitness, or animal rescue. Please if you know anyone who wants an instant online fitness presence who also wants to help out a charity, let them know about this opportunity.
If I cant find a buyer, I will be shutting down everything on New Years Eve and that will be the end. I highly recommend that you print out a few free custom meal plans at custommealplanner for cutting, bulking, and maintaining at various bodyweights. Do NOT pay for the premium version, the free meal plans are the most optimal for both gaining muscle and losing fat.
I am 60 and only have so many prime years left and I dont want to spend them maintaining a suite of fitness tools and websites. I have provided free information, fitness tools, and meal planners for the last 16 years, now its someone elses turn to carry the torch. No, I will not give my content away for free. People do not value nor take care of things they get for free and I would rather let my tools die with dignity than become an embarrassment. If you want these tools to remain available or become open source, then raise 250k for charity and find someone to manage the content responsibly.
NOTE: This in no way affects my YouTube channel. I will continue to upload a video every week as I have since 2006.
NOTE: This in no way affects my YouTube channel. I will continue to upload a video every week as I have since 2006.