Home Health Partners in Health | Project for Awesome 2018

Partners in Health | Project for Awesome 2018

Partners in Health | Project for Awesome 2018

The Project for Awesome 2018 is here! This is a video about the need to bring advancements in medicine to low-income countries and how Partners in Health is doing that work to increase public health worldwide.

I recommend voting for the following charities:
She’s the First: http://projectforawesome.com/?charity=ghK5VMeV
The Harry Potter Alliance: http://projectforawesome.com/?charity=SGk4DXI4
This Star Won’t Go Out: http://projectforawesome.com/?charity=zRHCGeMY
Uplift: http://projectforawesome.com/?charity=GLpe73zE
Partners in Health: http://projectforawesome.com/?charity=Naj719EK

Find out more at projectforawesome.com