Self-realization – I am a self-realized being meditation with subliminal affirmations
To download, visit https://www.lifemasteryhub.com/subliminal-meditations
Becoming self-realized is often the goalpost of many people in the world. It rhymes with success, ultimate achievement or ‘making it’.
Becoming self-realized doesn’t happen by itself. First thing first you have to find your passion in life by defining what drives you, what brings you meaning and a sense of purpose. This is the key to stepping into self-realization. Now whatever the scale of your dreams, it has to be your own, crafted specially for you, something that you came here to accomplish and bring to life. This way you will be supported by a driving force that will take you wherever you need to.
This meditation is filled with powerful subliminal affirmations (multi-layered female and male voices) and features 417 Hz frequencies which help with changes in your life
As you listen to this video, you will feel more inspired to do what you love to do and make a difference.
Listen to this meditation every day for a minimum of 21 days and for up to 3 months for best results
Listen anytime
No headphone required
417 Hz for facilitating change in your life
I love myself
I love who I am, deeply and unconditionally
I accept and value myself fully
I am worthy and deserving of living a fulfilled life
I respect myself, I believe in me and what I can achieve
I am on purpose and live my life on my terms
I follow my bliss and do what I love with an open heart
Everything that I do and achieve has meaning
I’m passionate about what I do
I do what I love and love what I do
I fulfil my heart desires
I let go of anything that no longer serve me now
I release what no longer serve me now
I clear myself from anything that may hold me back now
I fill my entire being with healing energy, Divine light and love
I release emotions that aren’t aligned with love now
My entire being is filled with healing energy, Divine light and love
I forgive myself fully. I forgive my mother. I forgive my father. I forgive my family
I forgive everybody that may have hurt me in the past and let go
I accept what happened in the past, the past is the past, I bless it, let it go and release it fully
I let go of the past and welcome change and new possibilities in my life
I release any attachment and expectations
I let go of perfectionism, I just let creativity flow through me and follow my bliss
I release everything that is preventing me from fulfilling my higher purpose now
My entire being is infused with a powerful healing energy that heals me on all levels permanently
The root causes of any blockages, limitations, fears and traumas that I hold on to are infused with a powerful healing light and transmuted into love and high vibrational energy now that shift my reality for my highest good
I am fully healed now, I am anew now, I am totally and fully rejuvenated now on all levels
I am healthy on a physical level, I am healthy on an emotional level, I am healthy on a mental level, I am healthy on a spiritual level, I am healthy on an energetic level
I am a powerful being. I express my purpose with confidence and trust
I know I am meant to create the life that I love
I know that I am fulfilling my heart desires
I know what I can do. I know that I am destined to greatness.
I have trust and faith in myself
I can see the path unfolding before me
My life unfolds before me easily
Everything comes to me easily and swiftly
It is safe to express myself fully and fulfil my purpose
I am worthy of creating the life that I want, I can do it easily and effortlessly
I am worthy of success, I am worthy of abundance, I am worthy of expressing myself fully and doing what is right for me
I deserve to be fulfilled, I deserve to be successful, I deserve to be myself and express myself in this world
I deserve to be heard and understood, I deserve greatness
Fulfilling my purpose allow me to serve others and have a positive impact on humanity
I am a powerful creator and create effortlessly
My capacity to create is limitless. I am an infinite being. I understand the power of creation.
I trust my gut instinct. I trust myself. I trust life. I trust the universe.
The path I’m taking is bright and filled with love, abundance and joy
I manifest instantly. I trust this process. I am self-realized and follow my bliss
I open my heart and fulfil my life’s purpose
And many more powerful subliminal affirmations around self-realization
Angelic Pad by PhonZz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
Artist: PhonZz Source https://freesound.org/people/PhonZz/sounds/242773/
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