To view the full darshan go here: https://igorkufayev.education/product/online-darshan-2021-09-04/
Spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev ponders the theme of an online darshan in this short excerpt from “Spiritual Guidance & Self Realization in the Age of Personal Development”. Mallorca, Spain. September 2021
The complete webinar may be purchased and viewed here: https://igorkufayev.education/product/online-darshan-2021-09-04/
Igor’s unique groundbreaking comprehensive 11 module course on ‘KUNDALINI: The Source of Ultimate Knowledge, Power & Joy’ is now released and available. Full details at https://igorkufayev.education/kundalini/
Subscribe to Igor Kufayev’s YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/FlowingWakefulness
Igor Kufayev is leading expert in the field of human potential and personal transformation, professional artist and the founder of Flowing Wakefulness Organization. Speaking from direct realisation of Oneness, he inspires all people to recognise the fullest potential present in human birth. Igor Kufayev has been serving as a public speaker and retreat leader, offering transformational programs worldwide. Participants at Igor’s programs have reported having access to higher states of consciousness, peak experiences, permanent relief from depression and spontaneous healing from chronic physical and psychological ailments.
Website: https://www.igorkufayev.com
Journal: http://igorkufayev.blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IgorKufayevVamadeva
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/igorkufayev
Twitter: https://twitter.com/igor_kufayev
Live Event with Igor Kufayev: https://www.igorkufayev.com/events
Online Webinar with Igor Kufayev: https://www.igorkufayev.com/darshan
#IgorKufayev #SelfRealization #Consciousness