This is how I set up my VERY minimalist bullet journal to increase my productivity and mental clarity. This is especially for you if you are a non-artsy human and you like to keep things VERY simple.
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Main Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/conni.biesalski
My Creative Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/connicreates
Twitter – https://twitter.com/connibie
Podcast – https://conni.me/podcast
All my camera and office gear – http://bit.ly/connigear
What I use to book awesome homes around the world –
1. Forget hotels, this is the way: http://bit.ly/airbnb-conni-usd
2. Really cool homes for digital nomads: http://bit.ly/homesfordigitalnomads
Where I find music for my videos: http://bit.ly/musicforyoutube
Host your own podcast – http://bit.ly/connipodcasthosting
Best places to get work done around the world – http://bit.ly/workaroundtheworld
The tool I use to send my emails to you – http://bit.ly/wheremyemailscomefrom