“If you noticed coming into the Ashram . . . the first gate is called “Vishnu Gate,” and although you may not have seen it, the second gate, at the end, is “Shiva Gate.” . . . Vishnu represents the Dvaita path, the path of the soul’s devotion to a personal God. And it’s not only the Hindu version of Vishnu that is referred to; Christianity is a Vaishnav path. In fact the word Christ comes from Khristos, which comes from Krishna. Jesus was asked, “are you Krishna?” during his time because the knowledge of Krishna was all over the known world at that time . . . But already at that time there where myths about Krishna, who is an avatar of Vishnu, but what we have written is not historically correct; it is only a myth. But that which may be false historically can contain a tremendous amount of truth of a higher type. Now, the human intelligence is on a spectrum. There are beings of very low levels of intelligence, very superficial, very gross, very incapable of thinking symbolically, abstractly, archetypally, and think only in the Imaginary dimension. And for those, the mythologies of the current religions were necessary. You cannot teach young, Sunday school children about the highest metaphysical truths. The problem is in our educational system today we never get beyond the Sunday school level.” (2012: Here Comes the Sun Retreat) Recorded on the evening of Thursday, December 29, 2011.
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ABOUT SHUNYAMURTI: Shunyamurti’s life-long quest for truth and the power of healing our souls and our world has brought about a deep understanding of the dynamics of the traumatized ego, the karmic trajectory and wounds of the soul, and the radiant healing power of the Supreme Real that is the One Self. He has learned how to work on all levels simultaneously to help sustain the ecstasy of Self-realization. Many years of meditation practice and training in numerous forms of yoga, including apprenticeship with Baba Hari Dass, ten years of vowed association with a Brahmachari ashram in India, a special resonance with Sri Ramana Maharshi and a deep study of Advaita and esoteric Shaivism and Buddhism, have been supplemented by the intensive study of western metaphysics, modern sciences, profound exploration of the dimensions opened by entheogens, trans-personal psychology, various forms of psychoanalysis and Jungian dreamwork, and the entire development of the perennial philosophy, including Taoism, Kabbalah, and mystical Christianity. Shunyamurti now functions as spiritual guide, retreat leader, and teacher of the Sat Yoga Ashram and Community, in addition to his ongoing advanced research in the Yogic sciences. https://www.satyoga.org/shunyamurti
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