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The Unbiased Truth About Cell Phone Radiation and 5G Wireless

The Unbiased Truth About Cell Phone Radiation and 5G Wireless


Theodora Scarato directs EHT programs and coordinates scientific programs in the US and internationally with EHTs Senior Science Advisors. Scarato is lead policy analyst and researcher for the EHT database on international actions– the most comprehensive collection of information on policy actions on cell phones and wireless. She previously worked with EHT as Director of Educational Resources and Public Affairs, developing educational resources for communities and governments. She has co-founded several organizations both locally and nationally that address environmental health and safety concerns.

In 2018, Katie Singer presented her concerns about the Internet’s footprint at the United Nations’ 2018 Forums on Science, Technology & Innovation and Sustainable Development. An international speaker, her book, How on Earth Do We Shrink the Internet’s Footprint? will be published by Rudolf Steiner Books in 2019. Singer’s other books include An Electronic Silent Spring (Steiner, 2014), Honoring Our Cycles (New Trends, 2006), and The Garden of Fertility (Avery, 2004). Visit www.electronicsilentspring.com.

Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N. has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for more than three and one-half decades. He is the Director of the renowned Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida (U.S.A.), the world’s foremost complementary residential health center. Over the last half century he and his team have pioneered clinical research and training in disease prevention using hundreds of thousands of participants who provided volumes of data, giving Clement a privileged insight into the lifestyle required to prevent disease, enhance longevity, and maintain vitality. Their findings have provided the basis for Hippocrates progressive, state-of-the-art treatments and programs for health maintenance and recovery–––their Life Transformation Program.